Here is a small sample of some articles that have appeared in past issues of American Falconry. Some of the photos that appeared with the articles have been included, but at a reduced size. We will ad more articles on a regular basis, so check back regularly. All articles and photos are copyrighted and use elsewhere is prohibited without consent of the author.
Feature articles:
Imprint Accipiters And The Recipe by Mike McDermott
Pure Passage Gyr by Hubert Quade
Makin' Hoods by Dave Perfetti
Zorro...Of The Skies Africa's Black Sparrowhawks by Craig Golden
American Falconry's First Photo Contest by Dave Perfetti
The First Year an Apprentice Perspective by Larry Dickerson
The Year of the Mule by Harry McElroy
Art and History of Asborno Bell Making by Dave Perfetti
Finding the Right Sponsor by Jim Gwiazdzinski
Hawking Snowshoe Hares in Alaska by Don Hunley
Flying a Cast of Longwings by Steve Jones
Plight of the Urban Falconer by Alan Malnar
Should Apprentice Falconers be Allowed to Fly American Kestrels? by Matthew Mullenix & Brian A. Millsap
Hawking The West For Sage Grouse by Dave Perfetti
Hawking The West For Sage Grouse Part II by Dave Perfetti
Training Your First Longwing by Steve Jones
Make Hawk by Steve Jones
Hawkin' Humor ~ Stuff About Things by Keith Thompsen
Hawkin' Humor ~ Growing Gos' by Keith Thompsen
Hawkin' Dogs ~ Scenting and Pointing by Jack Oar
Hawkin' Dogs ~ Range by Jack Oar
Taking a Pitch A Book Review ~ The Hunting Falcon by Bruce Haak by Eric Tabb and Steve Heying
Beginners Circle ~ In Praise of Apprenticeship by Bill Oakes
Hawkin' Gear ~ Unbutton Your Bird And Fly Her Naked! by Howard Brinkerhoff
Hawkin' Gear ~ A Streamlined Hawk Box by Tom and Jennifer Coulson
Hawkin' Gear ~ The Best Harness Yet! by Craig Nicol